District 515
Sponsored Programs, Grants, and Contracts: Administration (Pre-Award) - multiple titles
Sponsored Programs, Grants, and Contracts: Administration (Post-Award) - multiple titles
Included Job Codes
- Pre-Award SPGC Dir (SC013)
- Pre-Award SPGC Mgr (SC018)
- Post-Award Res Financial Mgr (SC019)
- Agreement&Contract Negotiator (SC020)
- Pre-Award SPGC Spec(Dept/Cent) (SC021)
- Pre-Award SPGC Spec (S/C/D) (SC022)
- Pre-Award SPGC Spec (Inst) (SC023)
- Post-AwardSPGCAccountDept/Cent (SC024)
- Post-Award SPGC Account(S/C/D) (SC025)
- Pre-Award Chief G&C Off (Inst) (SC032)
- Post-Award Res Fin Dir (Inst) (SC045)
- Pre-Award SPGC Dir (Inst) (SC046)
- Post-Award SPGC Acct I (Inst) (SC050)
- Post-Award SPGC Acct II (Inst) (SC051)
- Agrmt & Cntrct Negotiat (Inst) (SC052)
Included UDDS
- Any